Delaware Environmental Institute
WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE: A multidisciplinary look at policy
Reducing contaminants means more fish in Delaware’s Christina River are safe to eat. Managing the water flow in Galveston Bay allows oysters to thrive. And around the world, reducing conflicts over water and other natural resources helps to promote peace.
Water Management and Policy: Local and Global Perspectives, the third symposium in a series focused on humans and climate, was held June 7 at the St. Jones Reserve in Dover, as part of the Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve (DNERR). The event was sponsored by the University of Delaware’s Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN) in partnership with the state Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC).
In keeping with DENIN’s multidisciplinary approach to environmental solutions, speakers included experts in ethics, geology, hydrology, law and a representative of U.S. Sen. Chris Coons.
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